😊Hello there, I’m Shenming!

💻 I’m a fourth-year undergraduate student at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, majoring in Information and Computing Science.

🔬 My interests primarily lie in Social Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, and AI in Healthcare. As a senior undergraduate majoring in Computer Science, I am deeply passionate about exploring and advancing knowledge across interdisciplinary fields. Curiosity and a drive for innovation continue to fuel my academic journey.

🌟 I was honored to be supervised by Prof. Teng Ma during the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Later, I spent an inspiring summer as a visiting research intern at the Dream Lab at Texas A&M University. Under the mentorship of Prof. Meng Xia, this experience proved to be both enlightening and transformative, deeply influencing my academic journey and personal development.

🧠 Currently, I am working on my graduation project under the supervision of Prof. Jun Qi, focusing on epilepsy diagnosis based on EEG signals.

Personal Interests: Outside of academics, I am passionate about ⚽soccer, 🎶listening to music, and 📷photography. Feel free to check out my Plog for a glimpse of my photography journey!


  • University of Liverpool (UoL)
    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
    September 2021 - Present

  • Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)
    Bachelor of Science in Information and Computing Science
    September 2021 - Present